Well, first of all, you may actually be asking yourself, “What the heck is Boudoir?”. Boudoir is a French word and is a little private space exclusively used by women. However Boudoir is also a style of photography which has become very popular in the US and Europe over the years. It’s a little bit more intimate than a Glamour session and it’s a unique empowering experience too. This is why these sessions are so popular. Women want to look gorgeous, feminine and sexy and be more confident. However their first reason to book a session is usually to make a gift for their significant other. Looking gorgeous, feeling confident, capturing amazing images, there is no better gift for you and your other half. Here are a few reasons why those images make such great gifts.
1/ Get a confidence boost!
This is definitely one of the best reason to experience a Boudoir session. You need to do it for yourself first. Your partner will love your images but he’ll love your confidence more. He believes in you, he finds you amazing, beautiful, smart, funny, creative…. He just wishes you could see it too! With your hair and makeup done, you already feel transformed. Next you get to feel like a super model and when you see your first image, you just can’t believe it’s you. And then you finally realise how beautiful you are. This is when the magic happens….
2/ He’s going to be surprised!
You might want to offer him Boudoir images for his birthday, your anniversary, your wedding, for Valentine’s day… whatever the occasion, he will never expect these kind of images from you! Can you already imagine his face, opening your boudoir album? He’s going to be surprised, speechless and sooooo proud! Because this is like skydiving, this is not an experience you do easily. You need to be brave, you need to overcome being so self-conscious and be willing to stand half naked in front of a stranger. But the reward is amazing. And he will cherish these photos for a looooong time….
3/ Timeless Memories
Unfortunately we won’t be 25 forever, right! We are human, we get older and older. And it’s fine, this is how life works. But capturing your youthful beauty can be priceless. Imagine being 70, with your significant other, and looking at your boudoir album together. How will you feel? I would feel so happy I did it and it will remind me how beautiful I was, and how beautiful I still am.
4/ One of a kind Gift
With Boudoir images, you can make sure it’s a very personal gift. He won’t get this present from anyone else, that’s why it’s so powerful. You are the only person who can offer him this gift.
5/ Perfect excuse to buy new lingerie
As you can imagine, lingerie outfits are important for the success of a Boudoir session. The fun part is to buy lingerie for your shoot and only wear it after you’ve shown him your images. You’ve created a fantasy in your man’s imagination. Now is time to make it a reality…
So, are you ready to look gorgeous, feel confident and blow your man away?
For any questions or enquiries, please fill out the contact form below. I can’t wait to hear your story!